A New Years Resolution - Getting Ripped

January 7th, 2009  by Blaine Garrett

Part of my new years resolution was to work out more... probably like most people. However, for me, 2008 was decent in this area. I started off the year biking every day for an hour pretty consistently until midsummer when it was just too damn hot. At that point, I joined Anytime Fitness to get in shape for my halloween costume. As lame as it sounds, it was good motivator to start lifting weights again. Once Halloween passed, I pretty much continued to go three times per week until the holidays hit and got lax. So, my resolution was not so much to exercise period, but rather to be more consistent about working out. I also need to focus more on cardio workouts to burn off a bit of my gut. I was hoping putting on a bunch of muscle would help burn fat in order to maintain the muscle. This hasn't been happening as fast as when I was biking consistently. Additionally, I have not been feeling as awesome without biking. Cardio strengthens my lungs, which I turn around and destroy with cigarettes. But that is a separate resolution... I am reminded of that line from American Beauty where Kevin Spacy says "I want to look good naked". Yeah, that is about it. I'd at least like to look good when I go swimming... Or maybe I will just go as Wolverine again next year. Perhaps I will start growing my hair out now. hahha splork
