The Swarling Black Mable, unfolded

December 29th, 2008  by Blaine Garrett

For a long time now, I have had dreams and nightmares of black ooze. I have tried to embrace it... somewhat to address the visions and somewhat because, well... it is a neat vision. Perhaps it is some Jungian bit that is easily explainable, or at least a common dream. Either way, I have worked it into my comic The Surplus Bio-Freaks, into my ink work, and, heck, this site, "Swarling Black Mable," is titled after my pet name for the ooze. I might have figured out my fascination. A few bits of media have sent me into near anxiety attacks without really having me make the connection. The basement scene in the end of the original "Amityville Horror" is one. Another was discovered tonight. I watched, for the first time, "There Will Be Blood". The scenes of workers emerging from pools of black ooze got my heart racing and made me nearly have a panic attack. I always used to think the substance of my nightmares was ink, lacquer, or even liquid obsidian.. but now I think it is actually oil. I am a firm believer that something from our ancestors is passed down which may help explain our dreams. I have often tried to explain the connection between dreams of teeth and worries over money is that our ancestors used teeth as currency. I am now starting to think that perhaps being drowned in tar pits was a major concern of my distant ancestors. Curiouser and curiouser.
