DIMmedia at Hair Police, Uptown Minneapolis

November 14th, 2008  by Blaine Garrett

At our last planning meeting, DIM Media (Charles, Joe, etc) set some future goals - one of which was to try to do a public event every month. This hasn't been too far fetched since we had our work up at 2nd Moon all summer with an opening for my work in May, Red Hot Art in June, 2 Shelter gigs in Sept, a Shelter gig in Oct, and Shadow and Sound  in Nov. However, to further this goal, we need to persue more gigs. Wednesday, Charlie and I met up with someone from Hair Police to talk about having our work up there in January. They found us through Myspace and really liked our work. It should be pretty rad. They need to approve everything with the owners but it sounds like there will be a reception and music and the whole nine yards. Sweet.  Hair Police is sort of a big deal and this should be a cool opportunity for us. So stay tuned for more info on this and other DIMMedia outings!
