Alpha, primo, uno

I'm starting a blog!
August 30th, 2007  by Blaine Garrett

Greetings. I'm doing something I said I never would - starting a blog...

Historically, I found blogs mostly self-absorbed and trivial as a lot of the blogs I read were about the authors' day-to-day meanderings. However, since actively deciding to not clutter the web with entries about what I ate for lunch or rants, I have discovered some of the truly interesting blogs on the web. It made me rethink blogs and made me realize that things I might have to say are actually pertinent to some. Call it hypocritical, or call it "joining the 21st century", either way, here I am. You can expect me to write about my art organization, working out, my struggle to quit smoking, net culture, web development, and happenings at my job. I'm going to try to write a post per day. So we'll see what happens, but I hope you will join me! Until next time...
