Kicking it like Ill Mitch... less punch and rap

October 21st, 2008  by Blaine Garrett

Last night was a weird combo of emotions that led me to un-needed worrying. Figuring out my bills for the next few months was troubling, although Jon did suggest that he could loan me some cash to pay off the furniture in time - awesome guy. I was fretting over my lack of creative output lately. I was fretting over potentally usless things I do like podcasting and music (especially the timing of dropping $400 on an mbox the day my truck crapped out). Thinking about the economy and the potentially hard times coming wasn't good either. A few run ins with increasingly desperate beggers and watching Dexter season 3 probably didn't help either. On top of that, my lady friend is ill and I couldn't get a hold of her. Dreams of her getting attacked (again) by vagrants while walking her dog popped into my head. So I worried.... and didn't sleep well. This morning it caught up to me as I felt like complete crap. I was going to sleep in an extra hour or so, but my boss told me to just take the day off. I hate taking sick days because I feel sorta pathetic since it is a work at home job. Granted, it is sometimes very mentally challenging, I still feel lame taking a sick day. I mean, I am able to write this... even though I can't really see straight. haha. Anyway, I'm feeling better about things now. I don't even know why I worry so much all the time. It really is silly. On the other hand, I managed to get a ton done last night while trying to take my mind off things. Stay tuned for my next installment of the surplus bio-freaks comic in the next issue of coffee crumbs! For the rest of the day I think I am going to nap, do some sketching, and maybe watch some episodes of Primeval that Toni loaned me. Also, if you are reading this, Jon and I are having pumpkin carving night saturday. BYOP. We'll probably have a bon fire as well. woo.
